
I have a client who recently told me that he eats Cracker Jacks and SnoBalls because they remind him of when he was a child.  When he grew up, SnoBalls were a rare treat, a special gift to be celebrated and treasured.

These “food” items are chock full of all the things I’ve been taught to despise in this modern era: preservatives, hydrogenated fats, corn syrup, etc.  And yet to my client they represent a twinkly warm memory and they give him joy to have around.  He is a warm and welcoming person, one who has visited and worked through and with his own demons, and when he speaks of SnoBalls, the energy that surrounds these pink marshmallowy alien snacks  is very loving.  He is strong and healthy, older and vital.  I can’t help but wonder, might it not be such a bad thing ?  What if I were to have those items, pastimes, people in my life that I consider guilty pleasures, but GET RID OF THE GUILT?  What if I replaced that guilt with love and joy and a welcoming heart?  Might it be able to shift how even my body, my consciousness, receives them?


Just a thought.