
So yesterday I woke up with the weight of the world on my shoulders, or to be more accurate, pressing in on my entire body from all directions.  Even air touching my skin felt painful; breathing was uncomfortable, my head hurt, I was nauseated, I had no energy, all in all I felt like ten kinds of terrible and I had a day that was (once again) going to take a lot out of me.  Having a job where I give my energy to other people, this is a trap into which I can easily fall.  I love what I do.  I give my heart and my attention and my knowledge and my hope and desire for people to feel better both through bodywork and yoga, and it can drain me when I ignore the small (and increasingly larger) messages I send myself to let me know how much is too much.

Luckily I have managed to learn a little bit over the years, and I regularly book treatments for myself with various and amazing practitioners who keep me at my best.  Yesterday I was fortunate enough to get some work from the phenomenal Dan Desmond, who is worth his weight in gold and then some.  I went into the appointment exhausted, sickened from giving more than was wise, and came out feeling like someone had taken that broken ill body from me and replaced it with myself again.  I was able to give one more treatment that day and teach a Yoga Hour class that was totally fun, energizing, and fulfilling.

From the second Dan put his hands on me I could feel waves of gratitude washing over me, through me, cleansing out all the heaviness and pain I was holding.  That joyful, beautiful, connected, deeply loving, open feeling stayed with me the rest of the day.  I give this kind of work to people and yet still can’t believe the difference it can make.

Regular bodywork is not just an indulgence or pampering.  It can change your entire reality.  I have a team of people I regularly see to keep all the aspects of my health in check: physical, emotional, mental, energetic.  Without it I know I could not give the quality of work that I do, and I can imagine that my life would not have anywhere near the sparkle that it does.

If you have any questions about recommendations for various types of practitioners, feel free to ask.  I’m always happy to share the love!